When it comes to paying your credit card bill, the due date is the most important one. Depending on your credit card issuer’s terms and conditions, you may be subject to late fees or even a higher penalty interest rate after 60 days. Late payments are reported to the credit…
If we’ve learned anything from this year, it’s to be flexible enough to adapt to new environments. Over 57 million Americans have applied for unemployment insurance due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Knowing how to navigate through these financial uncertainties is vital. The first step is to create a financial wellness…
While facing deep economic insecurity this fall, college students are returning to school or logging on from a distance. There are still ways for college students to establish financial independence before they graduate, even though the Coronavirus Pandemic may have destroyed some job opportunities. Strong credit histories can be helpful…
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, a record 32 million adult Americans live with their parents or grandparents. In addition to the pandemic, other factors – such as housing costs and high student debt – have contributed to this trend for years. Moving back in with your parents may seem like…
Over the past couple of months, COVID-19 has impacted people and businesses in all kinds of negative ways. The unemployment rate has increased rapidly, and many businesses have closed due to inactivity. We have compiled a list of survey-taking jobs that you can join that can help you earn additional income…
You might not know it, but business credit isn’t just for small business owners and those who work for large corporations. In fact, if you are self-employed or running a side business that earns you extra income, business credit can be a good option for you. There are several…
Many financial decisions you make in your life are affected by your credit score, so it’s a good idea to keep it as high as possible. We can usually see a change in our credit scores after we make a significant financial move, such as buying a home. As a…
Your credit card issuer may raise your card’s credit limit for a number of reasons. It might be that you want to be able to charge more on your card, or you want the credit increase to improve your credit score and report. There are certain times when it makes sense…
Americans are relying on stimulus checks to help them cope with unemployment, decreased hours, and other financial hardships during the Coronavirus outbreak. Although the IRS has begun distributing stimulus check payments, about 60 million people have still not received their checks. Remember: for more tips on how to improve the…
COVID-19 has taught us that having an emergency savings account is crucial for handling unexpected expenses. Whether it’s a job loss, reduced income, or other unplanned circumstances, saving up several months’ worth of expenses is important. It takes more than just slipping some cash under your mattress from time…
The coronavirus pandemic has already dealt a severe blow to the American economy and has caused financial insecurity for countless citizens. The situation seems poised to get worse before it gets better. If you’re experiencing financial hardship – such as a job loss or reduced income – because of…
In the United States, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has already caused significant disruptions. Businesses are cutting back on services or closing their doors, and Americans are staying indoors to avoid spreading a global pandemic. There is a risk that the turmoil will put a strain on the finances of millions of…
If you do your taxes, you may find out you owe the IRS a hefty tax bill. There are millions of people who owe the IRS every tax season and coming up with the money all at once can be challenging. There are some options if you can’t afford to…
In the recent months, inflation has been a major topic in the news, with rising prices creating additional financial strain for Americans. You’re not alone if you’re worried about the effects of inflation on your finances. If you’re concerned that inflation could affect your good credit score, there’s good news…
If you don’t have the cash to buy an item outright, you still have a few choices. A credit card is one of the most common methods, as you can receive the item immediately and pay it off over time. Layaway is another option. Layaway programs allow you to…
Do you want to buy a new vehicle, but are worried about getting approved for a car loan? A lender considers a number of factors when deciding whether to approve an auto loan. Your credit score is one of the most important factors. Your credit score is based on…
Your payment history is the single most important factor that makes up your credit score. Your ability to manage your credit responsibly is demonstrated when you pay all your bills on time, which builds your credit report. If you make late payments on your credit report, your credit score can be…
Responsible use of a credit card is one of the best ways to build credit. Your credit score can be improved by maintaining a low balance and making your payments on time. However, if you already have bad credit, getting a credit card can be difficult. Secured and unsecured credit…
Parents in the United States are receiving monthly payments as an advance on 50% of this year’s child tax credit. For each child under age 6 and each child between 6 and 17, families may receive up to $300 per month, depending on their income. The payments run from July…
In the midst of the holiday rush, it’s easy to forget that 2022 is right around the corner. With the New Year comes new resolutions. It’s time to start paying attention to your credit score if you want to tap into the hot housing market, buy a new car or…